
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Top Tip on one specific topic

Hi folks!
We see a lot of people expressing frustration regarding the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Small wonder, considering how bitterly contentious the whole thing is. Many people are at wits end how to deal with friends and family members who have different opinions and how they express themselves, specifically how to keep themselves from losing their own minds when interacting with those friends and family members, possibly damaging or even ending their relationships.
We understand. It's tricky.
Here's what you should do, presented in a classic Q and A-style format:

Q: How do I talk to my diametrically opposed (father/mother/brother/co-worker/cellmate) about political issues?
A: Don't.

Q: But...?
A: No. Don't.

Q: Yeah, but...
A: Nope.

Q: But I have to...
A: Stop it. Just stop. Listen, for the sake of this Top Tip, we're assuming you're not the one taking the idiotic side in whatever argument you feel you have to have. You need to know that there's a solid 50% chance that assumption is utterly incorrect. It doesn't matter. Keeping your mouth shut allows you to take the high ground and the mantle of superiority that comes with being "right". Congratulations! You win!

Q: Okay, okay. But my (uncle/aunt/sister/pawnbroker/side-piece) is wrong! I need them to understand that and change their minds. How do I do that?
A in the form of some Qs: Do you hear yourself? Did you not just read what I said about there being a 50% chance that you're an idiot? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Do you even know, within $20, how much money is in your checking account right now? What exactly establishes you as any kind of authority on anything? Do you really think you should be trying to influence another human being in any way whatsoever?

Q: Hey, I have not only a right but a moral obligation to speak out on issues I feel are important!
A: Please submit your Q in the from of a Q.

Q: Sorry. Don't I have not only a right but a moral obligation to speak out on issues I feel are important?
A: Of course you do.

Q: So...?
A: Your grandfather/grandmother/cousin/hairdresser/squatter-living-behind-the-shed-in-your-backyard has the same rights and obligations to disagree with you as they see fit. Even if you're 100% not the idiot. Ultimately, the Q you may be forced to ask is which is more important to you, being right or preserving these relationships as they currently exist? Because it may not be possible to have both. But if that is what you want, please refer back to the A to the first Q in this thread.

You're welcome!

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