
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Lil' Pals

Hi there, pals! Your best friend Jeff here, from the Lil' Unbelievables. Would you like to meet some of my other buddies?

Here's Clark. He's our wheelman. Can you say 'wheelman'? That's a very long word isn't it?
Here he is, test driving a new motor.

And here's Michael, testing out a new super-duper crash helmet.
We need helmets sometimes, to keep our heads from going 'splat'.
That's a funny word, isn't it? Splat! Splat!
Michael goes boom! Boom, boom, Michael, you funny boy!

Here's our ballistics expert, Cap'n Jack.
Gosh, that's a big gun, isn't it, boys and girls?
What's that you say, Cap'n Jack? It's not a gun, it's a cannon? Well, then, it's a good job we have you taking care of all our weaponry, isn't it.
We'd be completely hopeless otherwise.
Can you say 'ballistics', boys and girls? That's an awfully big word.
Here are our girlfriends, the Tingaling Triplets.
Susie, Sally and Sandie.
Susie is Clark's gal, Sandie is Michael's main squeeze.
Mine is Sally, the cute one in the middle.
They live on a farm.
Can you say 'main squeeze'? That's a big word, isn't it.
You know what the best thing is about having three girlfriends that live on a farm?
Free tractor rides for life!

Here is our friend Persephone Sesquidalia. She has never had a haircut.
She also has a pronounced stoop. S-T-O-O-P, pronounced 'STOOP'.
Ha ha ha!

Here are me and Michael testing out some new surveillance equipment.
Surveillance. That's a very big word. It means, stuff for snooping around with.
Check out our cool trikes!

We never let crimefighting get in the way of being a kid. Here's us and a couple of our friends, Gus and Squeaky, on a mission during Halloween. You should have seen the candy we got that day!

Speaking of playing dressup, here we are with a few school chums in the school's production of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit". Michael in the centre, me second left, and Clark on the far right.

Here's Henri Petit. He wanted a pony for Christmas, but his parents could only afford a hog.
Silly Henri. Doesn't he look silly? What a little twit.

Here are the Baccy Boys. They are friends with Henri Petit, which of course means they are also a bunch of twits.
That's a good word, isn't it? Let's say it together.
Twits twits twits twits twits.

And here are our adoring fans!
Steady on, girls! We'll get to you all eventually!

Michael will tell you more on Friday.

Bye-bye for now, boys and girls. Bye-bye.

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