
Friday, March 4, 2016

Hook, line and sinker

By now, you're probably familiar with some of our sub-departments, like The Unbelievababes, our (poorly managed) mailroom and our interns. One department that doesn't get attention, due largely to the stealthy nature of the work they perform, is The Unbelievabaits. I'm going to go ahead and reveal some info about these brave crimefighters because I'm pretty sure most of our foes are still too stupid to resist falling for them every time, even with the knowledge that they exist.

"Stop right there, you sexist boob! We see where you're going with this sexist practice", some of you are saying. "Using attractive young women to entice evildoers is not just sexist, it's really sexist!" Yes, it would be...if that were the case. But The Unbelievabaits are actually males! Male actors, to be specific, committed so deeply to their craft that they're masters of emulating the female form like the earliest Shakespearean thespians.
Here they are, off duty...
They insist on dressing like this during their downtime. I don't know.
Pictured L to R: Ian, Nigel, Clive, Arthur, Philip, Mookie, Pete, William, George, Jonathan, Phillip, Austin, Craig, Roger, Paul, Darren, Gregor, Stanley, Otto and Glenn.

And here they are, ready for a mission...
Pictured L to R: Ian, Nigel, Clive, Arthur, Philip, Mookie, Pete, William, George, Jonathan, Phillip, Austin, Craig, Roger and Paul
Pictured L to R: Darren, Gregor, Stanley, Otto and Glenn.

Remarkable, isn't it? We just get a couple of the boys here to stroll through a bad guy's hideout or even when they're in the middle of committing an actual crime and they lose all focus (the bad guys, not the Unbelievabaits). It's no wonder that the likes of a Negative Charge or Henri Petit might be led astray and knocked off their game. Of course, all 20 members of this elite force are fully trained in Unbelieva-Foo in case things get out of hand, but so far that hasn't happened. Once you get a Negative Charge or a Henri Petit distracted, it's pretty easy to swoop in and take them down. It's simply a matter of getting them to... take the bait.

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