
Monday, January 25, 2016

El Niño Had Help

So the east was pretty much paralyzed over the weekend.

Oh, they're digging out of it. In fact, Monday was set aside as "East Coast Dig Out" Day with government buildings, schools, local business and more closed so everyone could gather their wits about them and try and make semblance of the snowed-covered roads, front walk pathways and threatening overhangs ready to bury unsuspecting passersby.

Which all leads to the question: Just who is responsible for all this?

Well ... we all know the answer to that: The El Niño weather system, of course. (Some say it's a "Godzilla El Niño" which makes perfect sense depending on what part of the eastern United States is affected. The west is getting its much-needed rain. The east? Well ...)

But The Unbelievables know it's not simply a quirk of atmosphere or completely the fault of carbon emissions floating above us aimlessly, just waiting for an opportunity to come together and wreck havoc. There's much more to it than a random act of nature. You simply don't toss a few pollutants skyward, have one too many BBQs throughout the year, produce enough manufactured foreign air particles from textile and processing plants and the like mixing it up skyward and think "Mother Nature will have her say and do the rest." Thinking such is thinking obtusely.

There's a more qualified, more logical answer to it all.

The reason for such weather has a name. And its name (HIS name, rather) is ... Snow Miser. (Yep. The same Snow Miser from the
1974 stop-motion animated Christmas special The Year Without a Santa Claus.)

You have to understand: He's Mr. Icicle, he's Mr. Ten Below ...

Now ... we have an inkling the crippling weather in the east isn't a result of Snow Miser's malicious intent. After all, the dude exudes gregarious mannerisms, enthusiasm and, deep down, a willingness to help. 

We're sure of it.

It's just that he exhibited a little too much eagerness along with his good intentions. 

Clark and Jeff will explain ...

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