
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Where's Michael? Don't worry, we know where he is.

You may have come here Friday looking for Michael's contribution to this week's plotline, the conclusion. If you did, you were disappointed because it wasn't here. Unfortunately, Michael was unable to file his report due to getting too close to the subject matter, which is a fairly routine occupational hazard for us. Specifically, the bulb-headed boob Walter Palmer found out we were on his trail and thought he'd deal with that by trying his hand at hunting the deadliest game: Unbelievable.
This was obviously another huge mistake and miscalculated judgment on Palmer's part. Michael's fine (of course) but it's standard company policy to get a day off when somebody tries to kill us. Michael took his yesterday and Jeff and I forgot to cover for him.
Oops! Sorry!

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