These dudes are bad. Bad clothes. Bad hair. Bad attitudes. From the secret files of The Kitsch Bitsch ... we present ... The Unbelievables!
Monday, August 24, 2015
The Unbelievables: Foo Division
It's no surprise that any and everybody wants to take claim for an association with Dave Grohl. He's universally beloved by all, basically the Tom Hanks of rock and roll. It's also no surprise that he's yet another of our celebrity operatives, the first to ever take and successfully pass every single Unbelievenar.
"I Want join The Unbelievables Celebrity Volunteer Corps!"
Where does he get the time?? Well, the man is a master of multi-tasking. For a most recent example, he's currently on tour with Foo Fighters, yet still managed to work in a mission against the loathsome Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas City last week, all of which is documented here:
Anything that disrupts the hateful actions of those misguided, too-dumb-to-actually-be-evil-but-still-a-royal-pain-in-our-collective-tuchus boobs frees us up to do important stuff. Thanks, Dave!
Of course, he's not the only celebrity working for us. We get new recruits all the time. It's been a while since we mentioned any of the new people to join the ranks and their good works so let's ask Jeff and Michael to give us an update, shall we?
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