
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Jeff's Side Project

As Clark mentioned on Monday, I too have a side project which has so far failed to get past the 'prototype' stage. My hobby is musical instruments. I want to invent the ultimate "Unbelieva-instrument", if you will. I want to combine as many different instruments into one, all-purpose instrument that also happens to be really cool-looking. Listed below are some of my prototypes that as yet are still just that.

The Cat-Piano. The fellas told me it was cruel and unusual, but I said "Awww kitties!". However, I was forced to abandon the project when the ASPCA stepped in.

Elworth "Catman Scatman" Dingle Jr. playing the Cat-Sax. Smooth tunes, brother man.

Unbelievababe Marina Van Jell-O, heiress of the Jell-O fortune, playing the bediano (bed piano, for lazy people). Needs work.

The Unbelievatinkler, part glockenspiel, part Gatling gun.

Best not to mention this one, or the fact that you'd need seven hands to play it.

Kip the Mail Boy modelling the Unbelievaphoniumspielentubafunk. It looks amazing, but sounds like an elephant sitting on a piano. 
So as you can see, I haven't had a lot of success. But I think we can all agree that I have had a lot of fun tinkering around in my workshop and creating these visual feasts. Ah well. At least I have my career as an Unbelievable to support me while I perfect my instruments. Some day, some day...

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