
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

To Sir (And Sir), With Love

While Jeff honored the fallen in Monday's post, I'm here to tip my hat at a couple blokes still kicking. (And kicking major butt at that.)

Talk about letting your guard down, Keith Moon and Oliver Reed weren't the only two who could loosen a tie.

Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart (both appointed to the Order of the British Empire, McKellen as commander and Stewart as an officer) are just as qualified and able to get a room to let its guard down. I mean, look at'em:

And that is precisely their thing, their "super power" if you will: Comfortability.

Just because you put "sir" at the head of their names doesn't mean the likeability factor surrounding them And that is precisely their thing, their "super power" if you will: Comfortability.

Just because you put "sir" at the start of their names doesn't mean their likeability disappears into thin air.

Greeted with a smile and a warm handshake, the two - whether alone or together - are charmingly disarming, the perfect foils of unsuspecting bad guys harboring secrets and nefarious plans. These two will ask if they can buy you a pint in one breath and extract information from you in the next. Without you ever realizing they've done so.

They're that good.

Now to detail how, exactly, they accomplish this would be compromising not only their talents but shooting ourselves in the foot. It's just not going to happen. They're too valuable to us.

Suffice it to say they have been instrumental as allies of The Unbelievables for quite sometime. The fact fellow Union Jacker Jeff introduced us to them (by accident ... in a pub ... where he might have "accidentally" tripped one of them) has been a boon on the international crime fighting front and a handy trick up our sleeves countless times.

One day perhaps we can open the files on these two and amaze you with some of their tales. That day isn't today, however.

For the time being: Cheers, Sirs!

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