
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Back In The Fold

"You want I should knock some sense into this Michael guy ... ???"

Those guys ... !!!

First? They tried to reason with me, doing their best to circumvent my departure from The Unbelievables

Then? they considered strong arm tactics, playing around with bringing in Guido The Knuckleballer (above) to "convince" me not to leave. (They realized there was no point in doing that. Each of us knows Unbelieva-Fu - Guido wouldn't stand a chance against me.)

I told them my mind was made up, that it was a done deal. I had to go. But I could tell my story about a journey of self-discovery wasn't flying with them. That's why they insisted on throwing a farewell party.

But ... it wasn't a party the guys threw ...

... it was an intervention.

Well ... the guys had a little help from some of The Unbelieva-Babes ...

They confessed they'd exhausted all other means of reason, that - in the guise of a party - was simply a matter keeping  my best interests in mind. Departure from The Unbelievables was tantamount to throwing a well-built career down the drain. They gave examples of all the good we'd done as a team, all the benefits we'd provided to the public, all the evil we'd thwarted over the years. It was hard to argue their points.

But the real clincher?

"The word is out among the bad guys, too. Some of them have sent us letters asking we consider their humble requests for inclusion as replacements in your absence. Of course that's not going to happen ... but the fact they even have the gall to ask ... that's reason enough you should stay, don't you think?"

And they were right, of course. I mean ... who could fill the shoes of Amigo Tóxico? Who could possibly NOT wear pants better than me? And, honestly, stopping Nick O'Teen dead in his second hand tracks by partnering with Death and, in return, dropping teen smoking to an all-time low ... what other job held such satisfaction as that? Such do-goodery right there elicited a certain sort of attraction found nowhere else. And so much more.

That clinched it. I decided to do the right thing. I was back in the fold.

And right then ... the intervention? It became a party. Complete with Furious D ...

Because, really, we don't do interventions all that well ...

A pretty good example of how on of our "interventions" turn out ...

Parties, on the other hand ...

P.S. Marissa and Laura were thrilled I was back, too.

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