
Monday, November 24, 2014

We've Got Plenty To Be Thankful For

Well, after the craziness of the last few weeks, it's nice to finally settle down and have a few days off for that most gluttonous of holidays, Thanksgiving. One thing we love is some good ole down-home non-fancy prelude-to-Christmas-type cookin', a fine cigar, expensive cognac, and the company of one's nearest and dearest, or failing that, a Swanson TV dinner, a cheap stogie, a bottle of Blatz beer and the effusive company of Michael and Clark.

Our Unbelievababe friends have been planning something exciting for Thanksgiving - they've been coming up with the first ever Unbelievababe calendar. It's apparently a Thanksgiving calendar - so all the pictures are themed around America's favourite holiday, despite the fact that it only takes place once a year. But oh well - they've never steered a foot wrong before, so who are we to judge? I've managed to swipe some of the pictorial proofs, so let's have a gander, shall we?

That's NOT what is meant by turkey and dressing.

She's just trying to sweet talk you, turkey. Seriously, run for it.

Seems to be a theme forming here.

Okay, now she needs to make a run for it. That thing is a monster!

One thing I can glean from all of this is that turkeys are exceptionally dim.
Any pics in the calendar that DON'T involve turkeys, I hear you cry? So glad you asked.

Okay, well, there is a turkey, but there's also a cornucopia, and it doesn't seem like the turkey is in mortal danger.

Pumpkins, pilgrim, stockings, angry savages, massive shoe buckles - all the ingredients of a Thanksgiving Jamboree.
There's that gun again - but not a turkey in sight. However, I do see something to be thankful for.
Honorary Unbelievababe Barbara Eden seems a little mixed up about her holidays. Never mind, Barbara.
It all seems very warlike, though, doesn't it? Arrows, blunderbusses, hatchets - have we got anything a little more, uh, peaceful?

"Happy Coachella! - uh, I mean, Thanksgiving. Dudes."

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