
Friday, July 18, 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen:

We interrupt the regularly scheduled wrap up of this week's signature Unbelievanars and their many considerations to announce the following:

Glaringly, it has come to our attention our esteemed colleague - Jeff Hickmott, partner in crime fighting, whipped potato master, uber stylish gent and all around swell egg - went a bit off the deep end with Wednesday's posting, having offered some rather salacious and questionable material for
Unbelievanar consideration. So salacious, in fact, we were rather embarrassed and disturbed by some of that material.

We want to take this opportunity to apologize for any harm said material may have caused, be it visual, auditory or mental. And particularly so from the viewing of the "Auntie Angel" piece with her ... *uh-hem* ... "instructional" citrus tutorial. (The audio portion of the video alone was enough to send some folks running. All of us here at the Unbelieva-Base will undoubtedly wake up in cold night sweats with memories of those sounds rattling around inside our heads.)

Come next week, we should have things back to their proper order ... which could be anything as you well know.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

P.S. As of last evening, "Stabbing Meat For Fun And Profit" with Vincent Price has been taken off the table, so to speak. The main draw - Mr. Price himself - is not available as it turns out ... as he's been dead for the last 20+ years.

Instead, we'll be evaluating something a little less "stabbity" - the twinkle-toe stylings of the amazing Mr. Fred Emney and his lost ragtime artistry ...

1 comment:

  1. Phew! Thanks for sorting everything out, Michael. I myself was having difficulty sleeping, I kept hearing that "blender" sound. Nightmarish.
