
Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Holidays of each and every kind from The Unbelievables

Hi there, everyone. Clark here to just give you all a quick heads-up; Jeff, Michael and I will not be around this week (after today, that is.) That's because we recently apprehended the nefarious Anti-Santa, a real no-goodnik who dresses up as the opposite of Santa Claus and takes toys from children.

Yeah, we jingled his bells REAL good.

Afterward, a certain individual whose identity can not be revealed recruited us as his personal security detail for a world-wide gift distribution network he operates from an undisclosable location up north. Unfortunately, the nature of this mission is so necessarily secretive that we won't be able to reveal anything, even after the fact. Thank you for your understanding. And don't worry about us; we've each been assigned a personal assistant to help us out during this particular mission.

I gotta tell you, this organization is first class all the way.
We'll be back in full form NEXT Monday.
In the meantime, from all of us to all of you, have a truly Unbelievable holiday!
Clark, Jeff and Michael

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, gents. I'll keep the Unbelievabase tidy and secure whilst you're out spreading merriment.
