
Monday, November 18, 2013

The Demise Of The Unbelievables

Time line: August in the 1970s.

Just prior to the Unbelieva-Base being completed, Clark, Jeff and I decided it would be a great idea to  throw a welcoming open house party at our headquarters.

Think about it: What other crime fighters would go out of their way to toss a major bash at their very own headquarters?

Better: What other crime fighters would toss a bash with fellow colleagues invited but our foes being given access as well?

That's right. It was something unprecedented in the annals of crime fighting.

You know the old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer? That was always in the back of our minds.

Not to let our adoring public be left out in the cold, we made the event even more special and exclusive by holding a drawing where 150 Regular Joes could attend ... if they were lucky enough to draw a winning ticket.

Needless to say, it was a hot time at the Unbelieva-Base in grand old Stiletto Flats, Nevada.

Little did we know, however, there was an unsavory element that would raise its slumbering head and become a major player in our list of foes. At the time, we had no idea the lovely ladies ("Hello, Ladies!") who would come to be known as The Double "D" Dames would shortly reveal themselves to be some of our most nefarious adversaries.

It was their wily ways, their subtle charms, their curvaceous curves and their convincing small talk that would ultimately win us over.

(l to r) Demi, Dorna and Dani - The Double "D" Dames

Demi (later known as Dx), Dorna (D3) and DLish (Dani) were winners allowed access to our open house party. At first, they were nothing but giddy at being a part of the festivities. And we befriended them openly at the time. We knew they had their eyes on us from the start, but we would find out later it was all a ruse, a social scam to gain access to our crime-fighting prowess, our groovy fashion superiority and the adoration of our fans and friends everywhere.

It might have been our charms that attracted them originally, but it was their greed and jealousy that would ultimately become their downfall into Ne'er-Do-WellDom.

I'll admit: I was taken by Dani (who I would later rename "DLish" for reasons I'm certain you can surmise simply by taking a look at her in the photo above) from the simple fact of her pleasant demeanor and outwardly enthusiastic playfulness. She didn't mind when I went pantsless (most days), she was a terrific cook and I never saw here without pep in her step and an ultra-bright smile.

Of course, it was the metaphorical door I opened that set the wheels in motion where these three were concerned. Blinded by the Dani's bright light, I let my guard down and, unknowingly, let a developing criminal element into our midst.

Luckily, Jeff and Clark were not as taken as I was with them ... and especially with Dani. They'll fill you in on the web of intrigue that came about ... 

... and what almost became the demise of  ... The Unbelievables ...

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